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Processing Slipsheets


Introduction to Processing Recycled Rubber Slipsheets

Rubber can be adapted in many ways to make it suitable for re-use, many processes have been tried out, but eventually no process has been developed yet to be chemically and economically suited for total re-use.

    • Granulation, mechanically

    • Granulation, cryogenic

    • Granulation prior to other processes

    • Devulcanisation, by heat and inert environment

    • Plasma techniques, change surface to accomplish better re-bonding

    • Microwave techniques, heat treatment.

    • Pyrolyse, heat treatment by metal melting

Some of these processes are patented, like devulcanisation held by DSM.

GTA Innovation cv can make a difference here.

The Recycled Rubber Slipsheet is a product developed due to the need of alternatives for the existing pallet and slipsheet market. The advantage of (recycled) rubber instead other materials is considerably high.

Because of the typical broad range of use, the rubber slipsheet is a serious alternative to wooden or plastic pallets and all kinds of slipsheets.

Recycled Rubber Slipsheets are mainly produced from (recycled) rubber tyres. Depending on the way of production other (recycled) materials can be added.

There are primarily three ways to produce the rubber slipsheet:

    • Devulcanisation

    • PU addition (glueing)

    • Pré tyre waste

GTA Innovation cv make it possible to use an immense amount of used rubber tyre resources for your benefit.


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